This is very simple, just create new command with any name and replace the $signation. Just follow the below code to do this –

php artisan make:command CustomFreshCommand
protected $signature = 'migrate:fresh';
protected $name = "migrate:fresh";
protected $description = "[Disabled] It's not allowed to run this command. This command is blocked by admin";

Add the custom code to the handle() method:

public function handle()
        $this->warn("It's not allowed to run this command. This command is blocked by admin");

Now artisan will see your custom command instead of the builtin; you can check this by using php artisan list migrate:

migrate:fresh     [Disabled] It's not allowed to run this command. This command is blocked by admin
migrate:generate  Generate a migration from an existing table structure.
migrate:install   Create the migration repository
migrate:refresh   Reset and re-run all migrations
migrate:reset     Rollback all database migrations
migrate:rollback  Rollback the last database migration
migrate:status    Show the status of each migration