March 27, 2023, PHP Interview

Do the PHP session will work after disabling the cookie on the browser?

No, PHP sessions will not work after disabling cookies on a browser

March 27, 2023, PHP Interview

What is dependency injection in PHP?

Dependency injection in PHP is a type of software design pattern that allows objects to receive other objects that they depend on.

March 27, 2023, PHP Interview

Why use static keywords in PHP?

Static keywords in PHP are used to keep a copy of a function or a class' static variables from one call to another

March 27, 2023, PHP Interview

What is the composer?

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. It helps developers manage the dependencies in their PHP projects and install the required software packages to make the project work

December 09, 2022, PHP Interview

In PHP the file can be included in two ways

In PHP the file can be included in two ways – include -> If the file is not found then it gives a Warning but the next PHP instructions get executed.

December 09, 2022, PHP Interview

Functions in PHP?

“The function is a set of instructions that are used to perform specific tasks/objectives”. It is useful for increasing the reusability of code.