(1) What is Reverse routing in laravel?
Reverse routing refers to the process of generating URLs based on named routes defined in the application. This can be useful when you want to generate URLs dynamically in your views or controllers, rather than hardcoding them.

In the route file, we define every route's name and use a complete website that routes names now in the future if we want to change a route URL then easily change it from the routes file. We change only one place and it applies to the whole website by route names thus reverse routing makes development fast and flexible.

Route declaration

Route::get('students', [StudentController::class, 'index'])->name('student.list');

Now link is generated by the route name

{{ route('student.list') }}

Benefits of Reverse Routing: 

Reverse routing offers several benefits for Laravel developers -

(1) Easier URL Management
Instead of hard-coding URLs into your code, you can use route names to generate URLs dynamically. This makes it easier to manage URLs across your application since you can update them in one place instead of hunting down every instance of a particular URL in your code.

(2) Better Maintainability
Since route names are descriptive and meaningful, it’s easier to understand what a particular route is for just by looking at its name. This can make your code more maintainable and easier to work with over time.

(3) Simpler Refactoring
If you need to change the URL structure of your application, reverse routing makes it easier to do so. Instead of hunting down every instance of a particular URL in your code and updating it, you can simply update the route definition and let Laravel handle the rest.

Features of Reverse Routing

(1) Generating URLs with Parameters
One of the most powerful features of reverse routing is its ability to generate URLs with parameters. For example, if you have a route that requires a user_id parameter, you can generate a URL to that route with the correct parameter value.

(2) Grouping Routes
Laravel allows you to group routes together based on common attributes, such as middleware or route prefixes. This makes it easier to manage related routes and apply common functionality to them. When using reverse routing, you can generate URLs to a group of routes by using the name of the route group, followed by the name of the individual route within the group.

(3) Route Naming
Naming your routes is a best practice in Laravel, and it becomes even more important when using reverse routing. By giving your routes descriptive and meaningful names, you make it easier to understand and maintain your code over time. When naming your routes, you should use a consistent naming convention that reflects the purpose of the route.

For example, if you have a route that shows a list of products, you could name it product.index. This makes it clear that the route is for displaying a list of products.

(4) Route Model Binding
Route model binding is another powerful feature of Laravel that works well with reverse routing. When you define a route that includes a model ID parameter, Laravel will automatically retrieve the corresponding model instance and inject it into your controller method. This makes it easy to work with related models in your application. For example, if you have a route that requires a Product model instance, you could define the route

Laravel will automatically retrieve the ‘Product’ model instance with the corresponding ID and pass it to the ‘show’ method of the ‘ProductController’. You can then use the model instance to perform any necessary database queries or other logic.
(2) What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework. The platform was intended for the development of web application by using MVC architectural pattern. Laravel is released under the MIT license.

Therefore, its source code is hosted on GitHub. It is a reliable PHP framework as it follows expressive and accurate language rules.

(3) What is composer?
It is an application-level package manager for PHP. It provides a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries.
(4) What is HTTP middleware?
HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests. Laravel includes a middleware that checks whether application user is authenticated or not.
(5) Name aggregates methods of query builder.
Aggregates methods of query builder are:
1) max(),
2) min(),
3) sum(),
4) avg(),
5) count().
(6) What is a Route?

A route is basically an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It acts as a pointer in the Laravel application.

Most commonly, a route simply points to a method on a controller and also dictates which HTTP methods are able to hit that URI.

(7) What do you mean by bundles?
In Laravel, bundles are referred to as packages. These packages are used to increase the functionality of Laravel. A package can have views, configuration, migrations, routes, and tasks.
(8) What is the concept of contracts in Laravel.

They are a set of interfaces of the Laravel framework. These contracts provide core services. Contracts defined in Laravel include the corresponding implementation of the framework.

(9) How will you register service providers?
You can register service providers in the config/app.php configuration file that contains an array where you can mention the service provider class name.
(10) Explain dependency injection and their types

It is a technique in which one object is dependent on another object. There are three types of dependency injection:
1) Constructor injection,
2) setter injection
3) interface injection.

(11) How can you reduce memory usage in Laravel?
While processing a large amount of data, you can use the cursor method in order to reduce memory usage. The cursor() method in Laravel Eloquent uses a Generator to fetch records one at a time, allowing you to iterate over large datasets without loading the entire result set into memory. The main use case for this is when processing data sources with potentially millions of rows

use App\Models\User;

foreach (User::cursor() as $user) {
    // Process the user record

// This is same as:

$user = User::find(1);
// Process the user record

$user = User::find(2);
// Process the user record

// etc.
(12) cursor() vs chunk() method in Laravel
When deciding between cursor() and chunk(), consider the following factors:

Memory usage: If you want to keep memory usage as low as possible, go with cursor(). If you're comfortable with higher memory usage and want faster execution, chunk() is a better choice. Just keep in mind you'll be trading memory for N number of queries. So instead of 10 queries returning 10 results each with chunk(), you'll make 100 queries with 1 result each. This will place this workload on your database (which can be fine).

Execution speed: chunk() can potentially offer faster execution times as it processes records in batches, while cursor() fetches them one at a time.

Implementation complexity: If you prefer a simple implementation, cursor() is easier to implement compared to chunk().