Compiled language: A compiled language is a programming language that has been converted into machine language (binary) before the program is run. This means that the code must be compiled by a compiler program before it can be executed.

Interpreted language: An interpreted language is a programming language that is not converted into machine language before the program is run. Instead, it is interpreted by a program called an interpreter, which reads and executes the code as it is written.
S.NO. Compiled Language Interpreted Language
1 Compiled language follows at least two levels to get from source code to execution. Interpreted language follows one step to get from source code to execution.
2 A compiled language is converted into machine code so that the processor can execute it. An interpreted language is a language in which the implementations execute instructions directly without earlier compiling a program into machine language.
4 The compiled programs run faster than interpreted programs. The interpreted programs run slower than the compiled program.
5 In a compiled language, the code can be executed by the CPU. In Interpreted languages, the program cannot be compiled, it is interpreted.
6 This language delivers better performance. This language delivers slower performance.