March 27, 2023, PHP Interview

Why use static keywords in PHP?

Static keywords in PHP are used to keep a copy of a function or a class' static variables from one call to another

March 27, 2023, PHP Interview

What is the composer?

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. It helps developers manage the dependencies in their PHP projects and install the required software packages to make the project work

February 10, 2023, FAQ

7 Steps to improve tech skills?

Technology, Stay Up-to-Date, Network With Professionals, Practice, Practice, Practice, Research the Latest Technologies,

February 06, 2023, SVN

Compare local branch with Trunk in SVN

Compare different branch codes

February 01, 2023, Testing

Selenium vs Cucumberjs?

Selenium is an open-source testing automation tool used to test web applications, while Cucumber.js is a JavaScript-based testing framework used to test application behavior.

January 29, 2023, FAQ

Demands for data scientists in the market?

Data scientists are in high demand in the market due to the increasing need for businesses to leverage data and insights to make informed decisions.